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Exclusive Interview with King Varciti

An exclusive interview with King Varciti.

Upcoming 100: How long have you been in the music industry and has music always been a part of your life?

King Varciti: I started writing lyrics at 10 years old. I signed to an indie label when I was 17. Music has been a part of my life from day 1.

Upcoming 100: Was there a specific moment in your life where you thought, “music is what I want to do”?

King Varciti: Yes, it was the music videos that got me I wanting to create... I wanted to live that life.

Upcoming 100: What inspires you (or your music)?

King Varciti: Inspiring artists, thoughts, my life…

Upcoming 100: Who’s on your iTunes playlist?

King Varciti: A lot of me… I’m addicted to hearing myself.  I'm fucked up bout hearing myself rap.  LMAO

Upcoming 100: The project you are currently promoting, how did the idea for it come about?

King Varciti: I was on the run from the law at an old hotel, grinding to get up lawyer money for my case.

Upcoming 100: There are thousands of artists trying to do what you are doing, what do you think gives you an advantage to break into mainstream America?

King Varciti: It's not destined for everyone. For some people, music is a stepping stone to get somewhere else. I live eat and shit hip-hop... I will be as successful as I am ready to be.

Upcoming 100: I’ve heard your latest music and it’s amazing! I can definitely tell your sound has evolved over the past few years from previous songs we’ve heard from you online. What are your thoughts on the evolution of an artist and the evolution of music today?

King Varciti: I feel like hip-hop has always been what it is. I think music as a whole has evolved in sound. People are becoming more out of space, Ai intelligent with the music now... Robots and Aliens.

Upcoming 100:  Do you have other passions in life? Do you believe passion is an essential part of success?

King Varciti: Passion is an essential part of my success, period. It's how I win in sports. It's how I get my women to fall in love with me and it's definitely the reason why my fans fuck with me because I put it all out there. I don't hold back none... DMX

Upcoming 100: With your current success and working with a renowned PR firm such as Starlight PR, What advice would you give to someone just starting out in his or her career who doesn't even have a studio to record but would love to do what you are doing now?

King Varciti: Pray. Ask God for a lane. Find the lane that works for you and don't let no one or nothing take you off your track.

Upcoming 100:  Where can potential fans find out more about you?

King Varciti: On my Instagram @kingvarciti… Fans can get at me direct. I'm a real nigga.


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