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Stream Pedro the Lion’s New Album Phoenix

Fifteen years since his last album under the moniker, 2004’s Achilles Heel, Pedro the Lion songwriter David Bazan is back with a new album called Phoenix.

When up-and-coming cartoonist Keef Knight has a traumatic run-in with the police, he begins to see the world in an entirely new way.

The release follows a handful of “reunion” shows announced last year, the first since the band’s formal breakup in 2006, as well as a series of six solo albums under his own name. Introduced with a full-album stream on NPR, Phoenix represents the “first of five Pedro records to come” according to an interview with NPR, and helped the songwriter connect with aspects of the band that until recently he thought were long behind him. “I didn’t realize what calling my music Pedro the Lion again would mean to me, he shared. “But it’s re-connected me to parts of myself and my history (both sonic and personal) that I had lost touch with.”

The thirteen-track album includes the singles “Quietest Friend,” “Model Homes,” and “Yellow Bike,” and continues the band’s penchant for inward-looking, heart-on-your-sleeves rock music to shout from the rooftops and let settle deep in your chest. Check Phoenix  here via NPR.


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