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Exclusive Interview with Mo Bentley

An exclusive interview with Mo Bentley

Upcoming 100: Who are your biggest musical influences?

Mo Bentley: Ariana Grande, Bazzi, Camila Cabello because they are all so hard working. I love their energy and the way they write their lyrics. 
Upcoming 100: What’s the story/inspiration behind your single “Don’t Kill My Vibe“? 

Mo Bentley: The story line behind Don’t Kill My Vibe comes from the mean things people have said about me because I want to make music. When I was in the studio, I was looking through negative Instagram comments, old texts and put it all into a song. The song was about how their comments will fuel my fire in a positive way.
Upcoming 100: What are your thoughts on the evolution of artists and music today?

Mo Bentley: A lot has changed in the music industry as there is a lot more variety in the music world, different looks and styles. I think it is great that people are expressing themselves and showing others how to be themselves. The change and evolution is good and it excites me when artists try something new and different.  
Upcoming 100: What skills/personal attributes do you think are most important for music artists to possess? 

Mo Bentley: That we all will fail at some point in our life or career.  We just need to get up and keep going.   When I was younger, I was really hard on myself when I messed up and would get very angry. Through this experience, I believe that musicians need to tell each other that we are human and we make mistakes.  

Upcoming 100: How important is a music video for an artist to promote a project?

Mo Bentley: It is important because fans can see what you look like, your personality and creativity. A music video can also help promote because if people like the look and what is happening in the video, they will most likely like you because they are entertained. 
Upcoming 100: Whose on your playlist?

Mo Bentley: Travis Scott, Ariana Grande, Post Malone, Bazzi, Camila Cabello, a lot of powerful Denali rappers like, Nikki, Doja Cat, Cardi B, Meg The Stallion. 
Upcoming 100: What is your basic creative/work process?

Mo Bentley: When I am writing music, I try to get into a zone.  I like to be in my own space where I have nothing around me except a pen and paper.  Sometimes I can write a whole song, and sometimes I can only get a couple of lyrics down. 

Upcoming 100: What sets your music apart? What is unique about it? 

Mo Bentley: My music is unique because it has an R&B/Pop style to it. There is not a lot of artists who write their own music and I happen to enjoy doing that. I can really connect the music within me in a much deeper space and feeling than when just hearing it out loud. 
Upcoming 100: If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to an aspiring music artist, what would it be?

Mo Bentley: To continue to grow, be yourself and learn from your mistakes. You are not going to become amazing overnight.  It takes practice, discipline and a positive attitude.  Enjoy what you are doing, live in the moment and find comfort with your family and good friends!

Upcoming 100: Where can potential fans find out more about you?

Mo Bentley: https://soundcloud.com/morganbentley_2/dont-kill-my-vibe
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJmKmTHB/

Website: https://mobentley.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpPCXrP75e5GlqGUXAN3jJQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themorganbentley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mobentleysings/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/morganbentley_1
Sound cloud - https://m.soundcloud.com/morganbentley_2
Instagram: @Mo.Bentley 
YouTube : Mo Bentley 
TikTok: Mobentley1
Website: https://mobentley.com/


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